The Healthy Aging & Alzheimer's Research Care Center

SuperAging Research Initiative

Discovering Protective Factors to Promote Healthy Aging

Who are SuperAgers?

“SuperAgers” are defined as adults over age 80 with memory abilities at least at the level of individuals 20-30 years younger.

What is the SuperAging Research Initiative?

The University of Chicago is the new hub for the SuperAging Research Initiative– an international multi-center study enrolling across the United States and Canada. Our goal is to uncover the factors that contribute to extended healthspan and potentially avoid Alzheimer’s pathology or its effects.

Interested in Participating? 

The SuperAging Research Initiative needs your help to better understand and identify factors that contribute to exceptional aging.

 You might be eligible if you are: 

  • 80+ years old with a good memory
  • Able to undergo an MRI brain scan
  • Interested in helping contribute to better understanding factors that contribute to healthy aging

What’s Involved?

About 8 hours of study visits broken up in 2-3 visits every 2 years, including:

  • Pen, paper and computerized memory and thinking tests
  • MRI brain scans
  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Blood collection

You will receive at least $100 for your time.

Meet SuperAgers

We Want to Hear from You!

Phone: 773-795-1111


How is SuperAging Research Funded?

SuperAging research is funded in part, by generous philanthropic support, the National Institute on Aging, and foundations such as the McKnight Brain Research Foundation and the Simons Foundation. Interested in supporting our work? Learn more through our giving page.

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