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Impact-AD 2025 Request for Applications
IMPACT-AD 2025 is now accepting applications. Individuals with broad ranging experience and expertise in AD/ADRD and/or clinical trials with an interest in a career in AD/ADRD clinical trials are encouraged to apply. IMPACT-AD will cover all travel costs for accepted trainees. Two unique in-person tracks will be offered as part of IMPACT-AD 2025. Tracks will commence simultaneously and overlap. They include the:
- Professionals Track – This track seeks applications from individuals with at least 2 years ofexperience in AD/ADRD research and/or clinical trials who wish to further their knowledge andadvance their careers in AD/ADRD clinical trials. Applicants may currently serve in a broad varietyof roles including, but not limited to clinicians, study coordinators, statisticians, psychometricians,and other study professionals (3.5 days).
- Fellowship Track – This track seeks applications from individuals seeking to serve as PrincipalInvestigators in AD/ADRD trials now or in the future and offers mentored training in protocoldevelopment. Applications are open to individuals in their fellowship or postdoctoral training, facultymembers or equivalent positions (5 days).
Participation is competitive and open to individuals with a full-time position at their respective institution within the United States. Please read the eligibility criteria for each track carefully and ensure your qualifications align appropriately. Applicants are permitted to apply to only one track per application cycle.
Please see the PDF below for full details.